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Road Safety Fundamentals
Concepts, Strategies, and Practices that Reduce Fatalities and Injuries on the Road

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration

UNIT 4. Solving Safety Problems

Table 4-1: Safety analysis categories, questions, tools and data needs: Detailed Image Description
(Detailed image description)

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Table 4-1: Safety analysis categories, questions, tools and data needs; image description of the table in the image follows.

Table 4-1: Safety analysis categories, questions, tools and data needs.
Safety Analysis Question Data Needs

How many fatalities and serious injuries are occurring in my area?

How does this compare to other areas of my State?

Total crashes

Total fatalities and serious injuries

High-level roadway data - roadway ownership, functional classification

Agency geographic boundary information

Crash Trends and Contributing Factors

What type of road users are involved in crashes?

When are the crashes occurring?

What are the major contributing factors to crashes?

Crash severity - fatality, injury type, property damage only

Crash incidence data - time of day, day, month, weather, etc.

Crash type - road departure, intersection, head-on, angle, etc.

Contributing factors - age, impairment, seatbelt usage, speed, etc.

Sites for Safety Improvement What locations (intersections or segments) show the most potential for safety improvements?

Crash severity

Crash location

Roadway and roadside characteristics - intersection control, number of lanes, presence and type of shoulder, presence and type of median, posted speed, horizontal and vertical alignment, etc.

Traffic volume data - intersection total entering traffic volume, roadway segment volume per million vehicle miles.

Calibrated safety performance functions, if predictive methods are used

Safety Risk Factors

What are the common characteristics of locations with crashes?

What are the countermeasures to address these characteristics?

How should we prioritize system-wide implementation?

Crash severity

Crash location

Roadway and roadside characteristics - intersection control, number of lanes, presence and type of shoulder, presence and type of median, posted speed, horizontal and vertical alignment, etc.

Traffic volume data - intersection total entering traffic volume, roadway segment volume per million vehicle miles.

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RSPCB Program Point of Contact
Felix Delgado, FHWA Office of Safety
FHWA Office of Safety

Staff and Primary Work Responsibilities
FHWA Office of Safety

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